What does “gamut” mean in Gamut Project Solutions, and what is that logo?

What does “Gamut” mean in Gamut Project Solutions?

I spent several years as a construction Project Manager asking myself, “Why is this so hard, hasn’t this been done before?”

It wasn’t until later in my career that I realized that the answer was in fact, yes, it has almost always been done before, but the building industry struggles to pass on lessons learned and generational knowledge.

I was blessed with “The Gift of Failure” at times during my 17 years of construction project management. I call failure a gift because, without it, I would have grown little and been thankful for less. The lessons I’ve learned building schools, corporate headquarters, courthouses, hospitals, airport terminals, and high-rise housing have given me a full range of experience to draw from now when guiding others in our industry.

The word Gamut refers to the full scope of something or the entire range of something. I know, no matter the type of project or challenge, I have an entire range of lessons learned to pull from to apply to the issue at hand. Does this mean I’m smarter or more talented than others? No, not at all. It just means I’ve failed more or longer than others, but have learned from these mistakes, and I’m willing to pass this knowledge on to others instead of letting it sit on the shelf.

I offer my “full range” of project solutions to anyone in the building industry, especially those who are asking themselves, “Why is this so hard; hasn’t this been done before?”

What is that Logo?

Like many entrepreneurs, coming up with a logo that explains the company’s purpose/meaning can be a real challenge. While the name Gamut Project Solutions came to me long ago, a logo was a real head-scratcher. I had very talented family members and friends helping me with ideas, but I was stuck.

Then at one fateful family breakfast, eating out at a restaurant it came to me. Watching my then four-year old daughter work her way through a maze on the restaurant’s paper children’s menu, I thought to myself, “I can see from here exactly which way she needs to go next. Why can’t she?” The building industry is the same way. For those who have been in the industry for decades and have faced so many challenges, they have a much clearer view of the right path to follow when adversity strikes, but for those who are newer to the industry or simply in the heat of the battle with no time to think, each challenge seems like a new obstacle in what I call the maze of building.

At that point, it was clear to me that I wanted to help people navigate this maze, avoiding the common pitfalls of building projects. To do so, I needed to step back and have a more birds-eye view of the maze rather then continuing to be the one trying to navigate it myself.

So the circular logo is a few things:

First, believe it or not, it is the three letters “GPS” (look close). It also represents the three equally important groups of any building project, 1) Owners/Developers, 2) Designers/Architects, 3) Contractors/Subcontractors – without these three groups you don’t have a building project. Without them all being successful, the whole project can be thrown out of balance. Lastly, as you already guessed, it’s a maze with multiple routes and exits. From the birds-eye view, it’s a clear and an easy maze to solve, but when you are down in the middle of it, battling in the arena, it’s hard to see the right path even for seasoned veterans in the industry.

That’s where Gamut Project Solutions comes in. I guide people safely through the maze to positive outcomes using a gamut of solutions.


What does Gamut do?